Above All : Branding Tips & Tricks

All You Need To Know About Branding & Local Marketing

  1. How To Select The Perfect Outdoor Patio Umbrella

    How To Select The Perfect Outdoor Patio Umbrella
    With the spring season in the middle and the summer around the corner, now is the perfect time to grab a patio umbrella for your outdoor surroundings. For any patio setting, the center of attraction is always the umbrella. The large and most colorful piece of furniture is assured of adding a sheen and lighting up your outdoor ambience. Whether you are throwing a birthday party or you just need some shade as you pass away your afternoon in leisure activities, the patio umbrella has got you covered. What is the best patio umbrella? Continue reading →
  2. Local Marketing Hacks To Stay Ahead Of The Competition In 2021

    Local Marketing Hacks To Stay Ahead Of The Competition In 2021
    2021 is going to see ripples from the pandemic and there is no changing it. Consumer behavior is another aspect you need to be worried about as it will never go back to what it was before the pandemic. This certainly has changed the strategies for branding and marketing in 2021. Covid19 pandemic or no, the aim of marketing should always be personally adding value to your customers by efficiently saving time, scaling up, and keeping day-to-day activities on priority. With changing technology and new guidelines, you will need preparation to tackle marketing as the year progresses. Local marketing this year can help your business if you optimize your website and online advertising as much as marketing hacks we are going to tell you. This enables you to drive foot traffic and augment your brand awareness in the regions. To put it simply, you need to employ various channels to generate business this year. And what could be better than combining offline and online marketing strategies to bag the best results? This article focuses on offline marketing hacks you can use in 2021, but here are some online hacks you can put to good use. Continue reading →
  3. 2021 Retail & Local Marketing Trends You Shouldn't Miss!

    2021 Retail & Local Marketing Trends You Shouldn't Miss!
    The year 2020 spelled unprecedented troubles for retail and local marketers. Lockdowns, fear of the virus, and stumbling economy only added fuel to the flames. With vaccines rolling out, it is highly unlikely to witness the end of the pandemic as it is still early to make such predictions. Along with the pandemic, there is social unrest and massive shift to eCommerce and that means you – as a retail store owner looking to capture the local market – need significant planning in an uncertain Q1-Q2. In such an unpredictable environment, what can you do to keep the business alive and thriving for the whole of 2021? Are there any retail and local marketing trends that you should know in 2021? To help you sail through this unknown patch, we have the top retail and local marketing trends that you cannot afford to overlook in 2021. Continue reading →
  4. Pods - How They Can Change The Way You Do Business

    Pods - How They Can Change The Way You Do Business
    The population is exploding and the land is running out. The available land and the construction cost fortunes and hence, renting or buying also costs fortunes. All this sounds familiar? Sure it does especially if you are hyped about starting a new business. Such a predicament! Now, you must be tackling the dire question – to invest in business or...
  5. Small Business Promotional Items That Always Work!

    Small Business Promotional Items That Always Work!
    Businesses, irrespective of shape and size, need promotional items to capture attention and get their message through. Promotional items are an effective way of advertising that has more reach as well as is more budget-friendly than other types of advertising channels. Promotional items help businesses in cutting their marketing budget while garnering attention from their targeted audience. For small businesses, brand awareness plays a crucial role in their long-term success. If people are not familiar with a brand’s name, its competitors will always retain an upper hand. A study concluded that more than 50 percent of small businesses fail within four years because of a lack of awareness. This is because small businesses tend to think that promotion items need to be flashy or expensive to make an impact on customers. To bust the myth around flashy or expensive promotional items, we have listed top promotional items, especially for small businesses. By taking advantage of these items, small businesses can surpass the limiting barrier of sales. Why invest in promotional items? Continue reading →
  6. Best Promotional Products for Restaurants in 2021

    Best Promotional Products for Restaurants in 2021
    Most restaurants have always been on a tight budget, especially in marketing and advertising. It was not surprising to be budget-challenged before the Covid19 pandemic hit the world. The restaurant industry was among one of the worst-hit industries in the world. The problem for those tasked with increasing footfall and the sale got only worse. There can be no question that the restaurant industry faced severe challenges. And with the new year, the industry is engaged in adapting to new changes and challenges. From limited customer seating to the behavioural changes in customers, restaurants are having a hard time. Your restaurant must follow health protocols. At the same time, you also need to look for ways to increase footfall and sales. In such a sticky situation, promotion is your best bet. After all, who does not like incentives? Well, technically, incentives are one of the ways. In 2021, you need to go beyond measures to keep your customers interested and engaged with your brand. This is, of course, a short-term challenge as vaccines are making headlines. It won’t be long before customers open their stringed purses and you can breathe easily, and outlast the cold winter months. When spring comes, your restaurant must be ready for sales, and to achieve that, you must invest in promoting your restaurant right now. Continue reading →
  7. The Best & The Most Creative Ways Of Using Digital Signage For Advertising

    The Best & The Most Creative Ways Of Using Digital Signage For Advertising
    Digital signage is the trending advertising tool that many brands are leveraging to attract new and existing social audiences. You can use digital signage for anything when it comes to advertising. Just like other brands are employing creative and unique ways to advertise, and if you are wondering about revamping your existing screens, this article will explore how you can...
  8. Advertising Flags & Their Evolution

    Advertising Flags & Their Evolution
    Evolution is the way of nature. Like everything, advertisement has experienced some drastic changes to suit new mediums and audiences. Today’s advertising is more personalized than ever before. The internet of the digital age is the most significant milestone in the history of advertising. The internet is dubbed as the game-changer in the advertising sector. With the rise of the internet, flags gained popularity. More and more brands leaned towards flag advertisement, especially in campaigns and events. Today’s entrepreneurs have found a great way to implement flags. From using on kingdoms’ capitals, battlefields, and ships to using on windows, walls, flags have evolved to suit the taste of modern entrepreneurs. Continue reading →
  9. Advertising & Branding At Sports Events – How To Get The Most Out Of It In 2021

    Advertising & Branding At Sports Events – How To Get The Most Out Of It In 2021
    We all know how much craze there is at sports events. People screaming, blood rushing, the sides fighting with all their might. Well, that’s quite high adrenaline pumping through our veins. That just not it, however, as there is more to sports events than just the teams battling for goals, points, and people yelling on top of their voices. Did you ever consider why television networks charge USD 5 million for 30 seconds of air time at such events, especially the Super Bowl? Well, that’s because brands are getting the attention of the public that is glued to the tv sets. Continue reading →
  10. Rise Of Pods – Why They Are The Stuff From Future

    Rise Of Pods – Why They Are The Stuff From Future
    A reliable logistics partner is vital for brand awareness when you’re short of marketing campaigns and looking to make a big impact on customers. When public events happen, there is little time to construct, deploy, set-up or install, entertain the crowd, and break down the whole set up. There is simply no room for errors in construction and let alone logistics delays. Public locations are open-air and therefore, on-site storage solutions are the key. Not only do these help you in creating brand awareness, but also easy to construct, deploy, set-up, and deconstruct. Continue reading →